
A brand new haiku journal


a journal for new haiku

a brand new haiku journal, which is seeking for all kind of a haiku style:
Gendai haiku / New haiku i.e haiku written from, within, for the 21st century
and based in/sprung from the haijin's cultural, linguistic and historic reality.
Haiku that takes the language seriously enough to be willing to blow it apart
from the inside in order to show/discover/reveal new meanings and echoes.
Haiku that stands on the firm ground of tradition but has internalized it and is
now written for today and the future. Exploitative haiku. Connective haiku. In
the West haiku can be fruitfully pollinated by what is called fragmentary
poetry/short poetry/micro poetry. We are constantly asking the question: what
is haiku in the 21st century and what can it become if it's not to fall in with the
carpet and be a neat little thing you do with your left hand and read on get
well-cards? ... if it's not to repeat the already repeated stuff. Single haiku &
serial haiku. Haiku that dares claim its own language, imagery, space and now.
Experiments of every kind. Surreal haiku. Fantastic haiku. Conceptual haiku in
both form and content."

YEARS: 2012
FORMAT: online
ISSUES: 2012: No 1 (December 15) 
            2013: No
EDITOR/S: Sheila Windsor
                Alan Summers
                Johannes S. H. Bjerg
SUBMISSIONS: guidelines
                           with "Submission to bones" in the subject line, the works in
                           the body of the email AND as an attached file 
                           (doc, docx, odt, rtf)
                        E-mail: http://www.bonesjournal.com/submission.html
                        Address: undisclosed
                        Online form: NONE
DEADLINES: November 15 & May 15 for haiku
READING PERIOD: for essays/articles/ papers – all-year round
PUBLISHES: Gendai haiku / New haiku; every kind of haiku;
                     essays/articles/papers on new haiku
ACCEPTS: a maximum of 10 single haiku and/or 2 series/sequences of
                maximum 12 haiku; previously unpublished (works having
                been through an editorial process [by someone else than the
                author him/herself] are considered as published; works
                published on social media or private blogs are not
                considered published)
SUBSCRIPTIONS: internet publication
OTHER INFO: All rights remains with the author(s)


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